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It doesn’t feel like hard work!

Our work

April 9, 2014

You know you’re in in the right role for you when working hard doesn’t feel like hard work!

This is a really enjoyable week.  I’m working to deliver a Resilience for Managers workshop, to design a Skills Development Programme and to review the 360 Feedback project we delivered recently.

The ‘Resilience for Managers’ workshop is a really useful and interactive 2-day event.  We focus on identifying and using some key techniques in growing and reinforcing our resilience so that:

  • we’re ready to deal with future challenges,
  • we continue to perform well when things aren’t going well right now
  • we can view our past experiences in a positive way.

The Coaching Skills Development Programme will be designed for senior managers who work for a client in the automotive industry.  The aim of this sequence of modules is to provide the environment to learn the benefits and techniques of the Coaching Style of Leadership.  I’ll be designing activities to highlight the range of leadership styles we have at our disposal so that the managers can choose and use the most appropriate rather than their ‘default’ style.  There’ll be some enjoyable and useful activities to refine the key  skills of listening, questioning, building rapport and structuring a coaching conversation too.

Powerful Feedback

Finally, it’s time to review and evaluate the 360 Feedback Project I delivered recently.  This will include an analysis of the scoring across the customer organisation, a qualitative review of the themes of the feedback sessions, a look at the administration processes and the views of the team of coaches.  Following a survey of the participants, there’ll be a summary of their responses with a focus on the practical actions they’ll be implementing as a result.

In my role, client feedback is instant.  I really value the comments from the participants:

“Rob is really effective at picking out relevant and pertinent signals to focus on and asking great questions. This makes it an incredibly valuable one hour conversation.

Without the session the report was a list of numbers, Rob was able to coach me through the report and made it really meaningful, he gave me a very different perspective.”

A great week … and it doesn’t feel like hard work!

If you would like to use our expertise in the areas of developing resilience, coaching skills or 360 feedback, then call us on +44 (0) 7840 323585, email or click on the ‘Contact’ button at the top of the page.

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